SoberSong Institute

By Robert Kaplan

I'll sing a SoberSong of freedom beauty and love
The way I want to feel is what I want to be
I'll be free instead of blaming you for what went wrong

Trying to control you was just a fear of losing
Which brought me resentments I'm choosing to change
If I isolate to feel good only loneliness will appear

Let me put myself in your place and be you
Without myself to disappear

If I am in trouble let me find someone whose trouble is like mine
For true friendship comes from trouble shared and not just from the good times

I'll sing a SoberSong for the past
Which has found it's meaning at last

What I wanted before
And what I want now are fused into one

I'll sing a SoberSong just for fun
I'll sing a SoberSong just for fun

And when grey clouds are overhead and nothing feels right
I'll train the very air that circles round me
To change my shortcomings into longcomings

It's not about
Right or wrong

Thank you for everything no matter what, wer'e one
I'll sing a SoberSong just for fun

I'll sing a SoberSong just for fun
I'll sing a SoberSong just for fun

Copyright 2000 Perla Music (ASCAP)

© 2000-2010 SoberSong Institute